Student Project "Build a Trebuchet"

I'm curious if you have ever had to build a Trebuchet as a student project.

What were the teacher's requirements?
Did you have to use certain materials?
Was the Trebuchet supposed to be under a certain height?
What did you have to throw?
What was the distance you had to achieve?

I guess I'm wondering what the requirements are and how well you did.
Feel free to share your story with me.

If you're a teacher I would love to hear what you've asked of your students and what they have come up with.


  1. My physics teacher just assigned us to make trebuchets to launch apples.

    Our requirements:
    the trebuchet must be under 1m tall
    the throwing arm can be a maximum of 3m long
    no elastic parts
    cannot have more than 50 lbs of added weight
    we must be able to lift it ourselves.


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